Scientists estimate (from antarctic ice core sampling) that within the past 800,000 years the highest concentration of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) occurred about 300,000 years ago. At 300 parts per million (ppm) it was a time when average atmospheric temperatures were high.
CO2 and other greenhouse gasses, play an important role absorbing heat from sunlight radiated back from the planets surface. This heat would escape into outer space without the protective effect of these greenhouse gasses (see scientific paper on this subject by Rebecca Lindsey). Without them the earth would be covered in ice, but too much of them would very likely overheat the planet with unacceptable adverse effects on the earth's living organisms.
In the past 800,000 years the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has cycled between 175ppm and 300ppm (approx). The heat collected in the atmosphere when concentrations were high produced warm periods, and when concentrations were low, they produced ice ages.
We are currently in a warming period, but have already passed the highest peak concentrations of the known past. If we were following the usual pattern we would be starting the journey about now towards an ice age in a few thousand years time, but instead of this anticipated slow reduction, our atmospheric concentration of CO2 is rising rapidly and has already risen to more than 420ppm.
The data in this graph confirms my thinking of many years, that we can't just address the issue of CO2 emissions, vital as they are, we must also sequester carbon by photosynthesis and storage in above and below ground biomass. It is a matter of supreme importance that we address both issues with energy and resourcefulness as no other enterprise, has ever done before. Every person on the planet needs to engage in bringing our atmospheric concentrations back to 300ppm, or suffer the consequences.
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